Language is really important if you want to choose a profitable niche.
Single parents fathers and mothers have the most of the times many financial problems. Because there is only one to take care and only one to work.
Woman and man, many times are suddenly in front of a new situation with many responsibilities and little self-power if the separation is new and a lot of stress.
Working online can solve many of the financial problems of single fathers.
If you want to be successful you have to find your niche which may be completely different from what you were doing till now.
So finding your niche has great importance not only for you but for all of the people.
Niche is about serving other people from your gifts. If you have not found your niche then you will not be able to help them.
Many time we speak about the things that we love in a way that is not connected with reality. We speak in a way that is expressing our desires and our deeper emotions. This way of speaking is very easy to make an emotional connection but is not going to help search machines to find us and sent people to our page.
Moreover, speaking with the emotion we are not expressing a need that has been identified. That is to say, it is not yet turned to the specific demand for a service or a thing to buy.
Search machines understand words that are translated to needs, problems and specific thinks. If you do not have exactly say what you are doing, what you are offering and which problem your niche is solving then you can not call your audience.
So narrow down your desires. Make them specific.
Narrow down your abilities-what you know the best
Narrow down in a specific word what you are doing.
Put it in bullets.
Write it down again and again.
Try to say it to other people.
Create an avatar of the person that you target to and the need or the problem that it has that you are serving.