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True freedom requires a mindset of independence—standing confidently on your own. Yet, achieving this state often feels challenging, as many…
You are in a terrible mood because you don’t have what you want. But the question is what do you…
Here are some of my courses with a limited-time offer. My gift is at the end of the page. How…
The ability to focus is the factor one for the success. If you want to succeed you must be able…
Smoothing, Learning, Grow The sand tray can help a child or an adult to be reconnected with the emotions and…
Fruit Fun Activity Kit is Giving to you everything you need to use as it is or to create your own content and activities. for children. You take illustartion, work pages, lette fruit tables and other
What are you going to do to have more students who finish the courses you create and then they jump in in the se
You have a Facebook account with a lot of friends and followers. You spent a lot of time every day there but you make no money. That is a common story.
It is the child of anthropocentric Score approach and method to be reconnected with very simple steps that will help you also in your daily life and in task management.